The Dog Groomers Association of Western Australia, Inc is pleased to announce the details for our upcoming Rescue Roundup Grooming Competition on the 24th March 2018 at Phoenix Primary School. Below you’ll find all the details for competitors and spectators, as well as the competition rules and entry form. Please check back here regularly for event updates.
Date: Saturday 24th March 2018.
Time: For groomers, please arrive at 7am. For spectators, grooming commences at 10am with judging and presentations from noon.
Location: Phoenix Primary School, 28 Phoenix Rd, Hamilton Hill. Click here for more details about Phoenix Primary School P & C’s Dog Day Out 2018.
This competition is open to all (members and non-members of DGAWA), beginners through to advanced groomers. If you would like to become a DGAWA member, please click here.
Prizes: Best Transformation, Handling, Best Coat Prep, Best DGAWA Members Groom, People’s Choice Award.
All products and prizes have been generously donated by Pet Esthe!
Judge: Helen Forester CMG
07:00am Competitor’s arrival – set up cage with water ready to receive Pet Register to be allocated your pet. Go to one of the mobile dog grooming outfits to prep your dog. Secure pet in pre-prepared cage
09:30am Prejudging starts (reminder to be respectful and keep conversation to a minimum)
10:00am Commence grooming
11:00am Toilet break
11:10am Recommence grooming
12:10pm Tools down
Judging and presentation to follow. Return pet to registration table to be signed off. Remove equipment and clean your grooming area.
Entry Fee: $50 for groomers. Spectators free! Part proceeds go to Phoenix Primary School and WA Pet Project.
Rules: A full list of competition rules can be found by following the link below. Competitors will need to supply their own cordless clippers as there will be no power points available for use.
All entries must be completed, paid and processed online through the DGAWA website. Entries close 5pm AWST Saturday 3rd March 2018.