The Dog Groomers Association of Western Australia, Inc. is pleased to announce the details for our upcoming November 2017 Workshop. Special guest Julie Hiscott from Esspree Kennels will be presenting a talk on the grooming techniques for English and Welsh Springer Spaniels. Sharon McGowan from WFI Insurance will be on hand to discuss your business insurance needs, and we’ll be discussing low-stress handling for groomers.
Date: Sunday 19th November 2017
Time: 8:30am-4:00pm – Morning tea supplied, lunch will be available from the K9 cafe.
Location: Dogs West Lower Clubroom, 602 Warton Road Southern River
Registration fee: Free for current DGAWA members, $80 for non-members – join DGAWA by clicking here
To assist DGAWA to cater and plan for the day, all attendees (members and non-members) must register using the online form below before Sunday 12th November 2017.